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Cambridge Practice test for ielts series book 1 pdf

This book was published for candidates planning for the revised version of the IELTS, known as the international English Language system. This is an examination intended to measure the English language abilities of non-English speaking students wanting to study in a country that requires English.

This text is intended to help you for the exam by familiarizing yourself with the kinds of texts and activities you will experience in the IELTS examination, the level and style of the vocabulary used in the exam, and helping you train for your university or college learning by presenting you to the styles of communication tasks you are likely to find in a study atmosphere that need English.

The book comprises four full IELTS test samples, each consisting of Listening and Speaking tests, and Advanced Reading and Writing tests. There is a selection of General Training Reading and Writing courses, in particular. (NB all applicants use the same Listening and Speaking modules.) There is a solution key at the back of the book to support the tests and you can return to this after any of the preparation exercises have been attempted. An annotated version of the listening tapescripts is also included, with the related parts outlined to help you review your responses. Additionally, for each form of writing activity, you can have one model solution to help you through your writing. There is a detailed guide to the Reading and Listening parts, but if you are in any doubt about the answers, talk to an instructor or a friend who speaks English. In order to be scored appropriately, the answer must be true in all senses as well as in grammar in which you are expected to respond in your own language.

By preparing for IELTS you will train not only for the exam but also for your potential as an English speaking student. In an instructional context, the exam is intended to determine your abilities to interpret and develop written and spoken language. The book refers to how university study is organised in many English-speaking countries and the kinds of learning activities that you are supposed to achieve.


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